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The Sandisfield Times is now mailed to every postal customer in Sandisfield. If you don't receive mail in Sandisfield, here is a list of where you can pick up a hard copy of The Sandisfield Times:

West Otis
Otis Library
Paige's Place

East Otis
Katie's Store
Papas Fuel
Knox Trail Inn

New Boston
A&M Auto
Farmington River General Store
New Boston Inn

Sandisfield Route 57
Transfer Station (Wed/Sat/Sun)
Sandisfield Library

Monterey library (outside box)
Roadside Cafe

Colebrook Store
Post Office

New Marlborough
Mill River Store
Southfield Store

A Short History of The Sandisfield Times

    SANDISFIELD - A group of Sandisfield residents decided at a dinner party in December 2009 that the town needed a vehicle for connection, communication and community-building, and accordingly worked through the winter and early spring of the following year to launch the first issue of a monthly newsletter that was to be called "The Sandisfield Times" on April 1 st, 2010.

    The mission of the newspaper was formally stated to be "to connect the community, through reliable, regular and relevant information". The newspaper's motto, Tribunus plebis, is the ancient Latin phrase meaning: The Guardian of the People.

    The editors of The Sandisfield Times stated their intention to cover serious local issues, events, history, politics and literature, as well as lifestyle topics such as gardening and birding. The founders include the author Simon Winchester and his wife, Setsuko, a former producer for National Public Radio, as well as a number of other full-time residents and second-home owners. Local artist and graphic designer Tina Sotis was the original designer of the paper and continues to ensure its quality and graphic standards.

    The Sandisfield Times is an independent, non-profit project that funds its publication primarily through sponsorships from regional and local businesses and residents, and with the help of donations from generous local homeowners. Speaking on behalf of Sandisfield, Selectman Patrick Barrett welcomed the news of the launch. "We are sorely in need of a way to find out what's going on in town and we hope this publication, along with a new town website planned for later this year, will really improve communication and bring people together," Barrett said. (The Sandisfield Town website became operational in March, 2011.)

    The first issue of The Sandisfield Times was mailed to all residents on the town's tax roll. Thereafter, the newsletter was distributed free of charge in locations around town including the post office, town hall, and library. A PDF of the newsletter was also available by email. To read more from our original Editor-in-Chief about the philosophy behind The Sandisfield Times and how it came to be, click here.

    DISTRIBUTION LOCATIONS - The Sandisfield Times is distributed free in the following locations: Sandisfield Post Office, town hall, library, New Boston Store, New Boston Inn, Southfield Store, Wild Birds, Bizalion's French Cafe, A& M Auto, Katie's Market, the Otis Library, Farmington River Deli, Farmington Elementary School and Terranova's.

    SPONSOR INFORMATION - Each edition of the newsletter needs eight sponsors at $50 each to pay for the printing. Those wishing to avail themselves of this opportunity should send a check for $50 to: The Sandisfield Times, PO Box 584, Sandisfield, MA 01255. In June of 2013, The Sandisfield Times was granted status as a 501 (c) (3) retroactively to April 8, 2010, thereby making all donations to the Times since that date tax deductible.

    CONTACT US - By phone at (413) 258-3308 or via email at editor@sandisfieldtimes.org

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©The Sandisfield Times. All rights reserved.
Updated June 1, 2024