The Sandisfield Times
On the Road
Ready for Winter?
by Tom Christopher
Published December 1, 2024.

Image of a dump truck

A late November check-in with Dave Waldron, our DPW Superintendent, found the crew busy assembling winter plowing equipment, a process that always reveals needs for repairs and adjustments.

Dave also spoke of a program to get the gravel roads in shape for winter by clearing the roadside ditches and adding more "run-outs," strategically placed gaps in the ditches' outer walls that allow accumulated run-off to drain down adjacent slopes to that the water doesn t erode the roads.

Residents who live along the gravel roads will have heard the giant leaf blower the Department has been running along the margins of the gravel roads to clear out accumulations of fallen leaves - these can act as dams to back up run-off during storms and flood or washout the roads.

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Published December 1, 2024