Janey Snyder at the Annual Town Meeting with her father, Town Constable Dana Beardsley. (Photo: Jane Kaufman, The Berkshire Eagle.
Janey Beardsley Snyder, hired in 2021 as part-time assistant to the Select Board, was promoted in no time to Administrative Assistant to the Select Board as well as part-time Assistant Treasurer/Tax Collector. She has passed the courses to serve as the Town's Certified Public Purchasing Official. In April 2024 she was appointed Acting Town Manager and in September deleted Acting from her job title. The Times and Ms. Snyder conducted this interview via email.
You re in the hot seat now. Have you recognized your biggest challenge yet?
In any town, it s easy to only see the negative, so my immediate challenge will be to highlight all the good being done within our local government and keep a positive attitude among our taxpayers. Sandisfield does tremendous work for the betterment of the community, and I'd love for that notion to really shine.
How do you feel being a Town Manager at age 25?
I am really fortunate to have the opportunity to serve my community in this capacity so early in my career. I have been surrounded by seasoned professionals thus far and look forward to supporting the next generation of municipal employees.
What gives you the idea you can actually be a Town Manager at 25?
When I was first hired in 2021, I was told be a sponge, learn everything you possibly can and take every opportunity to better yourself. Since then, I have dabbled in almost every area of municipal government. Thanks to the amazing team in Sandisfield, I have built myself a concrete foundation in public service. Outside of my Sandisfield team, I have created a network of knowledgeable individuals who are more than happy to share their wisdom.
Do you imagine a future career in public service?
While it would be an honor to serve in a larger capacity, I don t anticipate moving further than local government. Local government is so fulfilling, and I love being able to witness first-hand the impact I can make.
You are enrolled at Suffolk University in Boston with Friday classes. Do you have to schlep over to Boston every Friday or can you do them online?
Each course is five weeks, the first and last class are in-person at the Berkshire IEnnovation Center in Pittsfield and the three classes in-between are online via Zoom. They do make it possible for students out here in the Berkshires.
I am currently enrolled in a graduate-level program in municipal management directed by the Massachusetts Municipal Association and Suffolk University. Completion of the program will result in a Certificate in Local Government Leadership and Management. Coursework covers such topics as general municipal management, human resource management, budgeting, financial management, and strategic leadership.
Have you considered that you might make connections at the university that could serve you well in the future?
The Local Government Leadership and Management Program has already proved to be a beneficial networking tool. There are many Town Administrators/Managers taking this course from all over Berkshire County who I've had the pleasure of meeting and have been encouraged to reach out to with any questions. The Program provides a great environment to bring real-life situations to the classroom and discuss solutions, protocol, and the emotions that come with it all.
Are you having fun?
Of course! I have such an amazing team here, it's hard not to. While the job
requires a lot of hard work and dedication, the Town employees, Select Board,
and residents always make me grateful to both work and live in Sandisfield.

Janey and Skylar Snyder, who were married in June, live on Sandisfield Road in Sandisfield Center.