Two white tails seem to be fighting it out in front of one of Carl Nett's cellular trail cams in the early evening, October 9, behind his home on Town Hill Road. Carl submitted the photos to ConnectSandisfield-Facebook and The Times.

(Photo: Carl Nett)
Carl wrote: "It's like winning the lottery to get bucks battling in front of a trail cam, especially in daylight. Bucks move mostly at night and it's rare to see them on the cams during the day. They fought for about 30 minutes. I don't know which buck won the battle, but my cam took about fifty pictures of them duking it out."
Fighting? Maybe not.
Brigitte Ruthman wrote on ConnSandisfield: Phenomenal capture on film but even though it seems like they were fighting- they were not. That won't happen until November. Right about now they will toy with each other . . . clink around a bit . . . not yet to eliminate the other for the dominant right to breed does . . . who won't come into estrus for a few weeks yet. (This one is mostly eyes open practice battle.) Then they'll fight . . . and it's potentially to the death of one. They don't give up. These two have also the potential for locking antlers . . . which then causes both to die. Great capture.