The Sandisfield Times
Bang! Bang! Bang! … and Bang Again!
How to P.O. a Local
by Bogart Muller
Published October 1, 2024.

It’s another hot afternoon here in 01255 as I pull into my driveway at 72 South Main Street. Mid-September. As I unload the truck, I notice my neighbor, who rarely ever visits his property, is now parked stealth-mode in our shared right of way.

Now, I haven’t seen that guy in at least 12 years to be honest. He’s probably scoping out his 53-acre lot for whatever. He has every right to park there as long as he doesn’t block traffic; technically it’s not his land but not mine neither.

Twenty minutes later as I let my flock of Brahmas out to roam, the cat outside to prowl, and my boy gets started on his homework, the loudest of various gunshots start. I’m not talking off in the distance but rather 100 feet away from my nearby property line.

I run indoors where my son asks me what’s going on? There’s like guns going off!!

I say I know and just stay put, I will handle this.

Living in this spot for almost 30 years and this has never happened, ever.

As a gun owner and proud member of Range USA, I take full responsibility of the proper understanding of guns. My property is less than 700 feet from the highway or any property line so I know I cannot discharge my weapons here recreationally. I keep them separate from their ammo and safely locked away. I have full respect for any gun owners who abide by these simple laws.

As I approach my southern property line, I see two young men with a vast amount of weapons and ammunition. Gunshots are loud and frequent.

I call out to them, not really having to raise my chill voice due to their close proximity, asking to please cease fire.

These guys are just kids. They stated that their father owns the land, and they can shoot here legally. I said you are within 500 feet of an occupied home and you should at least move away to the other end of your land. No one lives over there, and you won’t be breaching the peace in this area.

I was told again by both of them that they had every right to shoot here and I was the only one with an issue.

As the conversation went south, these guys were narcissistic, and their tone condescending. Both were holding weapons in their hands. The voices became louder as our disagreement became evident. I said have a nice day and walked off.

I then called the sheriff.

Mike Morrison was there in minutes to tell them how they are doing the neighborhood wrong. Neither one lives near here. There has been a formal complaint from a person next door of excessive noise.

These kids refused to move and claimed to have every right to do what they were doing. The law cannot stop them. Absolutely no respect for other people and local authority.

As Mike walked back to the cruiser shrugging his shoulders, telling me there is nothing anyone can do, they continued to shoot without relocating.

My chickens were stressed hiding in the coop when they normally were out, my cat nowhere to be seen, and my son trying to focus on integers between seriously close semi-auto rifle fire.

No one is complaining about loud music, lawn mowers, or a sawmill. Instead, I am expressing deep concern over a safety issue more controversial than ever. Trying to be patient and have a constructive conversation with young strangers about respect among land owners, we are told go away and take your dumb problems with you.

Is this the new norm? Blatantly ignoring a request to cease gunfire from a quiet neighbor AND a police officer? Apparently, it is.

Now, I could be much more accommodating if they did a few things differently. If they lived on the property full time and we had an understanding, things would be different. Maybe give me a heads up instead of just parking and blasting. Maybe take into consideration that the other side of the property would be less noise invasive. Being a little more respectful of the people living right next door? We don’t have to disagree.

As a landscaper, I would be more than happy to design, construct, and even maintain a small shooting range in the southern end of the land they own. They could shoot whatever, whenever, and not bother a soul instead of pushing the limits of somebody’s patience who never did them any wrong. Disrespectful to say the least, but worse to give the guns a bad rap.

Out on a Limb: Op-Ed: Subjects should be of interest to most of us and have a strong link to Sandisfield, written by and for Town residents. Address either PO Box 584, Sandisfield, or email. Opinions in Out on a Limb articles are those of the authors and do not represent The Sandisfield Times.

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Published October 1, 2024