The Sandisfield Times
Times’ New and Improved Website Offers More Accessible Information
by Jean Atwater-Williams, Times Webmaster
Published August 1, 2024.

The old homepage.

The new homepage.

    A more compelling and dynamic version of The Times’ website is expected to be available soon at

    Thanks mainly to our new volunteer Web Editor, Larry Dwyer, online readers and visitors will find a newly designed website that offers links to featured articles, accompanying photographs, and links to other Times stories referenced in our reports. While our previous website provided only a pdf version of the print edition, our redesign offers a richer and more encompassing experience.

    We will continue to offer the full pdf of each issue (along with our extensive archives and index of past issues), but now featured articles will be available individually.

    This will allow users to focus on and share articles of interest and will allow easy mobile web browsing and sharing because it is no longer necessary to download a full pdf to your phone or computer. Another benefit is that our print advertisers will now be featured on the web, a value-added service we are providing free of charge.

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Published August 1, 2024