The Sandisfield Times
Sandisfield Skater Wins Gold
by Times Reporter
Published August 1, 2024.

Ashley Kopiec Wins the Gold

    Ashley Kopiec won the figure skating competition at the 2024 California State Games of America. She competed against 16 other skaters in the Excel Juvenile Plus category.

    The biennial Olympic-style games, held July 17-21 this year in San Diego, drew contestants in a wide variety of sports. The competitors were California athletes and State Games medal winners from thirty other states. Ashley qualified for the games by medaling (1st-3rd) in a registered state-game competition.

    A daughter of Steve and Mieko Kopiec, Ashley is spending her summer break at the International Skating Center of Connecticut rink in Simsbury where she practices a total of 8 hours over a 4-5 day week.

    A June graduate of Monument Mountain High School, this fall Ashley will begin a double major in the highly competitive fields of Mechanical Engineering and Software Engineering at the Rochester Institute of Technology in Rochester, New York.

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Published August 1, 2024