The Sandisfield Times
Select Board Dispatch
by Times Reporter
Published August 1, 2024.

    The Route 57 paving has been completed. Installation of driveway aprons, rumble strips, and line painting will begin within the month of August.

    The process for hiring a new Fire Chief is almost complete. Second interviews of two candidates are scheduled, and a decision will be made shortly afterwards.

    The Town Manager Search Committee has posted advertisements for the position and will be accepting applications until August 16. Job posting and job description are available on the Sandisfield website.

    CodeRED, an emergency notification system, will go live by the end of August. The system will allow taxpayers to sign up for voicemail, text message, or email notification of important town happenings, including road closures and inclement weather warnings.

    A complete audit for fiscal year 2023 has begun. The auditors of Scanlon & Associates spent the week of July 22 at Town Hall reviewing documents and gathering information.

    The Select Board meets at Town Hall bi-weekly for the months of July and August. Visit the website to confirm the date of the next meeting. To request an agenda item, please contact Janey Beardsley Snyder at no later than the Wednesday before the upcoming Select Board meeting.

    Don’t forget to subscribe to E-Alerts on the Town website, for important updates and announcements.

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Published August 1, 2024