The Sandisfield Times
Sandisfield Cemeteries - How to Get In
What’s the Committee Been Doing?
by Times Reporters
Published August 1, 2024.

    You know what you have to do to get into Sandisfield Center Cemetery as a resident. It’s certainly an important step, and one we’ll all take one day. In the meantime, you will need a place to land when you get there.

Buying a Plot

    What does it take to buy a burial plot in Sandisfield?

    The Sandisfield Center Cemetery, located on Rt. 57 across from the Transfer Station, is the only location in Town currently open for new burials.

    According Lynn Rubenstein, chair of the Sandisfield Cemetery Committee, the first step is to call Rich Atwood, the current Cemetery Superintendent.

    Rich will set up an appointment to meet you at the cemetery to show you available plots. Once you’ve made a decision, you need to visit the Town Clerk’s office to pay a fee and a deed will be filled out. Once the deed has been signed by all town entities necessary, you can pick it up or have it mailed to you. The process can take a few weeks. Once you receive the deed, inform your family and file the deed with your other important documents. When the time comes that you need the plot, you will need to produce the deed. The Town keeps copies of the deed.

    Contact Rich Atwood at 413-329-3672 or at

    The cost of a single plot for taxpayer/residents is $300. For non-residents, the cost is $750. There is no charge for a single plot for a Veteran/taxpayer/resident.

    It’s possible to purchase up to two lots, which contain four plots each, for a total of eight grave sites. The cost of one lot is $1,200.

Other Cemetery News

    The Committee has accomplished a lot of work in the last few years.

• Sandisfield Center: work will begin in FY25
• New Boston: fence repaired and painted, brush and trees removed.
• Beech Plain: trees and brush removed.
• South Sandisfield: fence painted, trees and brush removed.
• Robert’s Road: trees and brush removed.

    Tree work is expensive and moving forward will be spaced into a five-year plan working with a certified arborist.

    A complete listing of Cemetery Rules, Regulations and Fees has been updated and posted on the Town website (click on Cemetery Committee under Boards and Committees).

    One rule that will be strictly enforced is that snowmobiles and ATV’s as well as other motorized vehicles (unless authorized by the Town) are ONLY permitted on the roadways. Signage will be put up shortly.

    The Cemetery Committee has a contract with a Cemetery Information Management Software System (CIMS). The Committee enters all necessary information

    (names, addresses, lot numbers, deed info, etc.). This system has information for the Sandisfield Center Cemetery ONLY, located on Rt. 57, across from the Transfer Station.

    Lynn said that the Committee gets “plenty of inquires beyond who to contact for purchasing a plot.” She listed, for example, where is a family member buried, what are the rules and regulations, is there a water source (yes, which our Fire Department replenishes when needed. A sign will indicate its location.)

Sandisfield Cemeteries

    The five Town cemeteries are worth a visit. The Sandisfield Historical Commission installed attractive signs at each cemetery listing the Revolutionary and Civil War veterans who are buried there.

• Sandisfield Center - Est. c.1758 - Located on Route 57 (Sandisfield Road)
• New Boston - Est. c.1831 - Located on Route 57 (Sandisfield Road)
• Beech Plain - Est. c.1775 - Located on North Beech Plain Road
• South Sandisfield - Est. c.1800 - Located on Route 183 (Sandy Brook Turnpike)
• Roberts Road - Est. c.1790 - Located on Roberts Road

    Dubois or Rose Road Cemetery was moved and incorporated into Sandisfield Center Cemetery in 1967 by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers as part of the Colebrook River Reservoir project.

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Published August 1, 2024