The Sandisfield Times
FRRSD School Committee May Reapportion Costs
by Bill Price
Published July 1, 2024.

    The Sandisfield School Committee will take part in a meeting July 1 at the Elementary School Library that may determine the Farmington River Regional School District cost apportionment between Sandisfield and Otis.

    The results of the meeting will be determined too late to be reported in this issue of The Times and will appear next month. It is very likely that a full report will appear in The Berkshire Eagle soon after the meeting.

    Over the last several months, the FRRSD Committee has considered eleven different apportionment methods, which have been narrowed down to three options. The options and the methods and/or weighted combinations will be reviewed and discussed at the July 1 meeting. The Committee, representing the residents of both towns, anticipates that a final decision will be reached that will make apportionment more equitable between the tax payers of both towns.

    The Committee agenda also called for a timeline for the regional agreement, followed by public comment. The results of the decision may affect the tax levy of both towns.

    For more details, see Berkshire Eagle article, “Clock ticks to shift funding burden,” June 29-30, page A7.

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Published July 1, 2024