Smitty Himself
Representative William "Smitty" Pignatelli served in the Massachusetts House of Representatives for 22 years, until his retirement this December. He wrote in the December 19 Berkshire Eagle: "Representing the 4th and now 3rd Berkshire District - my home - has been the greatest honor of my life. I wasn't always successful, but I gave my best every single day. After nearly 50 years in public service, I retire as a public servant, not a politician."
Asked by iBerkshires in 2016 of what work he was proud of, Smitty replied: Broadband. He said, "Sen. [Benjamin] Downing and I have been working really hard on this for a number of years and until I can stand in the middle of Sandisfield and tell that Verizon guy, 'can you hear me now?' That's our mission. We've got to get this thing done and young people, who have greater minds than I have, can say 'I'm working out of my home, I can access the outside world no problem."
Resident Liana Toscanini, resident and President of the Nonprofit Center of the Berkshires
"Smitty's greatest legacy is his belief that if he helped even just one person, it was a good day. He lives to serve and that made him a very accessible public servant, even to us way out here in Sandisfield. He helped individuals personally (like the time he intervened on my behalf when I had a major issue with Eversource); was quick to provide Citations from the House of Representatives for individual accomplishments (such as Town Clerk Dolores Harasyko's retirement); showed up to important community events such as the dedication of New Boston on the National Register of Historic Places; his testimonial at Sandisfield's Sestercentennial in 2012. Smitty effectively supported the Town when it mattered (such as getting the Tennessee Gas Pipeline to restore Cold Spring Road)."
From left, former Sandisfield Town Manager Jonathan Sylbert poses with Select Board Members, Steve Seddon and Alex Bowman, and State Representative William "Smitty" Pignatelli, on Saturday's dedication in the Sandisfield village of New Boston. (Photo: Hannah Van Sickle, Berkshire Edge.)
Hannah Van Sickle, resident
Denizens of New Boston in Sandisfield have new bragging rights after the village was approved by the Massachusetts Historical Commission and the U.S. Department of the Interior for listing on the National Register of Historic Places.
September 19, 2022 Finally, State Representative William "Smitty" Pignatelli invoked the memory of two individuals-his father, the late John Pignatelli, and Dave Kelly, "former longtime, longtime selectman in this community"-who were great friends. "On this historic day, I'm honored, honored to be here-and I can't help but think of [them], two people that believed in the community and fought each and every day to make it special," said Pignatelli. "Congratulations on a job well done, and good luck going forward in the future."
George Riley, resident, former Selectman
Smitty was always available to help the Town and he did that on many issues. Probably the most outstanding one in my career as Selectman was the repair and paving of Route 57. When we decided to organize the four adjacent towns on this route to advocate jointly for this project, Smitty went to bat for us with the Department of Transportation to help get this done. From the reopening of York Lake to pushing special legislation for us, Smitty was always a reliable supporter of Sandisfield in a time when too often our "representatives" seem to represent only themselves. For Smitty, we felt that Sandisfield really mattered. We will miss his advocacy, his concern, and his willingness to help in so many ways.
Smitty honored the Arts Center's 2016 season opening with a proclamation and his attendance. He is here with Alice Boyd, accepting on behalf of the Arts Center. (Photo: Peter Baiamonte.)
Ron Bernard, resident, author/historian
Smitty supported this town unconditionally whether it was the pipeline fight or getting recognition of New Boston on the National Register or any important issue. We could count on him to be in our corner. Whenever the topic of the history of Sandisfield was discussed, Smitty would mention with pride that from an early age he was aware of the town and its rich past because his father was a long-time friend of Dave Kelly, an avid horseman and well-known figure here.
Dawn Odell Lemon (Tina), resident/town booster
Smitty, your unwavering dedication to our community, relentless efforts to enhance the lives of others, and your genuine compassion makes you extraordinary. Thank you for your inspiring leadership and continued support; your impact will be felt long after you have moved on. Wishing you the best in the next chapter of your journey. You will be greatly missed.